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Summer 2020 Family Photos

Negotiating with toddlers for 'happy smiles'!

Once a year, I put Kris and the boys through the agony of a photoshoot in the hopes we can fill our home (and IG feed) with new family photos. From coordinating outfit selections to negotiating toddler treats for good behavior and ‘happy smiles’, it’s always an adventure!

Our latest shoot was in early August at sunset near the Brock Environmental Center in Virginia Beach. With my talented friend, Melissa Gilmore of Melissa Kay Gilmore Photography behind the camera, we managed to capture some really sweet memories despite toddler antics and extreme heat. Somehow Melissa always pulls off the shot and this time she did it with a wrist cast!

Here are a few of my favorites you’ll find framed around the Knepper Nest! 

Quick Takeaways

  • Shoot at dust for that magic light!

  • Neutral outfits allow for more classic photos that can be featured anywhere in your home without conflicting with your decor.

  • If shooting late in the day, consider a non-sugar reward for ‘happy smiles’ so you're not putting them to bed wired!

  • Build a Shutterfly book to capture the memories in a way your kids can enjoy!

  • Remind your husband the anguish associated with the day of the shoot is worth it because babies don't keep!


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